Press Releases

Urgent need of a business case for ERTMS

ERFA welcomes the European Court of Auditors' ERTMS report, stating that ERTMS has not been properly planned, deployed and managed, and that the individual business case for the parties involved have not been considered. The lack of a business case for today's railway undertakings, who will face the costs, but very little of the benefits of ERTMS, should be addressed as a priority.

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ERFA welcomes European Commission decision to fine Lithuanian Railways

This unprecedented case of anti-competitive behaviour jeopardised efforts to shift more goods onto rail and to build a more competitive rail sector. ERFA underlines the need for greater efforts on the part of Member States to support a competitive European rail sector We also encourage the European Commission to pursue without delay other anti-competitive cases in the rail sector.

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Rail network grinds to a halt over construction works

ERFA highlights the impact of a series of infrastructure works heavily damaging rail's reputation as a serious alternative to road transport. Reverse modal shift as customers forced to put goods back onto the road: negative impact on the environment, road congestion and safety during the busy summer period Risk to rail of losing customers due to inconsistency of services and lack of reliability

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European Mobility Package - Road charging

ERFA welcomes the European Commission’s Mobility Package as an important opportunity to foster a more competitive, cleaner and safer transport system. It is an important step forward in creating the right price signals and conditions for customers to choose the most sustainable modes of transport.

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ERFA supports EU proposals for more rail customer-orientation

The EU is proposing new rules to create a more customer-orientated rail network, taking important steps forward to improve the reliability and quality of rail services. The changes aim at minimising disruptions to rail services when infrastructure works are being carried out and at creating a more dynamic and flexible timetable process for reserving capacity.

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Better value for money for taxpayers' investment in rail

ERFA strongly welcomes the French Regulatory Body's negative opinion on the new investment and performance contract between the French Government and the Infrastructure manager (SNCF Réseau). EU rules provide an excellent framework for Member States to ensure strategic rail investments and a more customer-orientated infrastructure manager. Rail Regulatory Bodies have a key role in implementing this framework.

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Strong unity of rail new entrants for an open and competitive European rail market!

ERFA’s Annual event, held on March 7th was a great success with over 100 delegates and was supported by representatives from both DG Move and DG Competition at the European Commission and the European Parliament’s Transport Committee. The event was dedicated to the actions needed to deliver further liberalisation following the finalisation of the the 4th Rail Package in December 2016.

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The political pillar of the 4th Railway Package - a missed opportunity

ERFA, representing new entrants in the rail market, regrets that the adoption of the political pillar of the 4th Railway Package postpones the urgent and much-needed reforms of the rail sector, endangering the attractiveness of rail for passengers and customers.  We will also continue to strongly raise our voice against unlawful state aid and abuse of dominant position in the rail sector, bridging the existing gaps in the legislation in order to improve rail's performance. 

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