Press Releases

ERFA Welcomes Council Focus on Rail Freight

ERFA welcomes the Joint Position Paper of a majority of EU Member States which was discussed during the informal Council of Transport Ministers meeting of 30 March 2021. This initiative, taken during the European Year of Rail, clearly shows that growing rail freight is a priority for a majority of Member States.

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Building Back Better: Continued Push on Waiving and Reducing Track Access Charges Essential

The recently published European Commission seventh monitoring report on the development of the rail freight market has shown that rail freight growth remains stagnant, whilst the share of new entrants is constantly growing. If Europe is to meet its objectives of 50% growth of rail freight by 2030 and doubling by 2050, it is of utmost importance that ambitious measures are taken to grow the sector whilst also supporting private and independent operators in a fair and transparent way. In this regard it is imperative that momentum is not lost by Member States on the possibility to waive and reduce track access charges.

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Captrain Italia Joins ERFA

ERFA is happy to announce Captrain Italia as the newest member of ERFA. Founded in 1998, Captrain Italia is the second largest operator in the Italian rail freight market with 10% of total market share. With a fleet of 70 locomotives, Captrain Italia is in a strong position to further grow its market share. Captrain Italia offers services throughout Italy and at strategic border crossings.

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Zero emission rail freight demands equal treatment

In advance of tomorrow's expected adoption of the Council first reading position on Eurovignette Directive reform, the European rail freight sector (ERFA, CER, UIRR) has significant concerns about the Council position, as it runs contrary to the shared climate and transport policy objectives of the Member States themselves:

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 ERFA welcomes the designation of 2021 as the European Year of Rail

ERFA welcomes the final adoption of 2021 as the European Year of Rail during the European Parliament Plenary Session today. The European Year of Rail should serve as the moment to highlight the benefits of rail, but also to openly discuss how the sector can further contribute to Europe?s economic and climate related goals. The European Year of Rail will be a unique occasion to finally deliver a legal framework that meets the needs of rail freight.

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Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy - An Important Step Towards an Ambitious Legal Framework for Rail Freight

The publication of the European Commission's Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy signals the beginning of a process to deliver a legal framework which meets the needs of the rail freight industry. ERFA welcomes the publication of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and anticipates an ambitious revision of the key legal texts included within the Strategy.

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Private and Independent Rail Freight Undertakings Reiterate Call for Fair Support during ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

The question of how best to support rail freight through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner remains one of the most pressing issues facing the sector. This topic has been brought back to the fore due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic currently taking hold throughout Europe. ERFA calls on the European Commission and Member States to ensure that support measures, which are needed, do not lead to avoidable competition distortion and damage to the industry as a whole.

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Sector Statement Group welcomes Berlin Declaration and presents its progress report

The Sector Statement Group (SSG) welcomes today's publication of the Berlin Declaration. The declaration showcases the necessary clear commitment of the EU Member States to support international rail freight and rightly recognises the environmental advantage of rail freight in view of the European Green Deal. We notably welcome the clear commitment of the Member States to agree on a migration strategy for Digital Automatic Coupling and the recognition of the importance of further digitalisation of infrastructure networks, capacity management and allocation.

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ERFA Welcomes Parliament Vote on Waiving and Reducing Track Access Charges

ERFA welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the proposed European Regulation establishing measures for a sustainable rail market. This Regulation will give Member States the necessary freedom to support the rail freight industry in a neutral, economically justified and transparent way through the waiving or reduction of track access charges.

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ERFA supports French Proposal to Waive Track Access Charges

ERFA welcomes the announced by Prime Minister of France, Mr. Jean Castex, that France will waive track access charges until the end of 2020 and reduce charges by half for the entirety of 2021. ERFA believes this initiative will support all rail freight undertakings in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. ERFA calls for other national governments to follow the example of France to assist the rail freight industry.

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