
Rail Freight Corridors need quick wins

ERFA highlight a list of ?quick wins? for the Rail Freight Corridors ? relatively SMALL investments in quality than can result in BIG improvements on the performance of rail.

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A revision of the Rail Freight Corridors regulation is needed!

ERFA calls for a revision of the Rail Freight Corridors regulation in order to improve the performance of rail freight services, focusing on the need for strengthened leadership and targeted financial support for achieving quick wins, as well as improvements in the provision of efficient train paths.

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ERFA urges MEPs to defend financial transparency

In the updated position on the Governance negotiations ERFA urges the European Parliament to fight for financial transparency. The current status quo allows for the diversion of public money and other sources of revenue away from infrastructure investment and to undermine the running of competing rail services. ERFA argues this is not in the public interest or long term stratgic rail interest for a sustainable rail sector.

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ERFA ERTMS position paper

ERFA urges for an ERTMS implementation strategy that reduces costs and risks and ensures improved competitiveness of rail services from Day 1.

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ERFA Input Paper - Reforming rail

In reforming the management of railways priority must be given to making rail a more attractive transport mode both for customers and for investment in the sector. Ahead 8th September Council meeting ERFA opposes provisions that continue to allow anti-competitive behaviour, harming the quality of existing rail services as well as detering new investment into the rail sector.

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ERFA input paper on Governance discussions

Ahead of the Council Working Party meeting of 16th July ERFA urges for the creation of a one stop shop for all infrastructure-related issues and for assurances that the fragmentation of the Infrastructure functions will not lead to increased costs for the rail system.

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ERFA Practical guide to Recast Implementation

ERFA has prepared a user-friendly guide to all the new measures that come into force on 16th June 2015 and that Member States are expected to have already transposed into national law. ERFA relies on the Member States to ensure timely and effective implementation of the Recast Directive and on the European Commission to take action where there are delays or breaches of the implementation.

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