Vehicle authorisation in European countries with broad gauge

Vehicle authorisation in European countries with broad gauge

ERFA and CER highlight in a common position paper the differences of the broad-gauge systems and showcases their specific needs for vehicle authorisation in light of the 4th Railway Package’s Technical Pillar.

The exchange of vehicles with third countries is of high importance for the broad-gauge networks in northern and Eastern Europe. The agreement on the common usage of the fleet of 1.520mm freight wagons needs to be fully respected. Rolling stock entering the European Union from third countries shall not be re-authorised by the European Union Agency for Railways or by the National Safety Authorities.

Rolling stock built, upgraded or renewed in a Member State of the European Union and foreseen to be exchanged with third countries shall be built according to third countries’ standards and authorised according to bilateral governmental agreements and shall not be subject to additional authorisation by the Agency/NSA (through the OSS tool) according to European/ national law.

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Read more ( CER__ERFA_PP_Broad_gauge.pdf )