ERFA Annual Event 2017

ERFA Annual Event 2017

ERFA Seminar "Rail market opening: unfinished business, what next?

Key presentations on:


"What future for investments in rail?", 

Dominique Riquet, Vice-Chair of the Transport & Tourism committee in the European Parliament and President of Long Term Investment Intergroup, highlighted the need for rail to be more competitive in order to attract private investors.


"Open data - today"s limits on availability and accessibility of rail data"

Tomi Lapinlampi, open data specialist, emphasised the benefits from more transparency, by describing the Finnish open data system as a cornerstone of an efficient, open and user-friendly rail system.


Erich Forster, CEO of Westbahn, highlighted that accessibility and availability of open data in the rail sector is one of the next challenges that should be tackled by EU policy makers in order to have real competition.


"How can access to facilities be improved to support a more competitive rail sector?"

Duncan Clark, GB Railfreight board as Strategic Development Director, explained that ensuring a non-discriminatory and transparent access to the essential facility infrastructures such as terminals, depots or stations is crucial to boost competition and market shares for rail.


"Time for a crackdown on anti-competitive behaviour in the rail sector?"

Gert-Jan Koopman, Deputy Director General – DG Competition, State Aid, stressed its commitment to ending competitive distortions in the rail sector. DG Competition and DG Move are joining forces to ensure a more effective enforcement of EU market opening rules and EU competition rules.


ERFA Dinner


Sian Prout, Head of Unit in the EU Commission’s DG for Mobility & Transport, for the Single European rail area, highlighted that the top priority is to ensure effective and timely enforcement of existing EU rules on market opening and to fill the existing loopholes with implementing measures, particularly on access to facilities and timetabling. She also echoed the proposal of a single operational language supported by ERFA.




2017 Annual Event pictures: